Lab of Molecular Metabolic Medicine

Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Cheng Kung University



Name           Yau-Sheng Tsai, PhD 蔡曜聲

Title              教授

Department  臨床醫學研究所

Institute        國立成功大學

Telephone    (Office) 886-6-2353535 ext 4242 /
                    (Lab)886-6-2353535 ext 4245



1990.9~1994.6          學士              國立台灣大學  植物病理學系

1994.9~1996.6          碩士              國立成功大學  生物化學所

2000.8~2005.8          博士              美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校  病理所


2005.9~2006.8          美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校  病理學系  博士後研究

2006.8~2011.7          國立成功大學  臨床醫學研究所  助理教授

2011.7~2016.7          國立成功大學  臨床醫學研究所  副教授

2017.8 ~2020.7         國立成功大學  實驗動物中心  主任

2021.9~2022.8          北卡威克森林大學  腫瘤生物學系  訪問學者

2016.8 至今               國立成功大學  臨床醫學研究所 教授

2016.8 至今               國立成功大學  生理所  兼任教授


2009                          成大醫學院新人最佳論文獎

2010                          成杏基金會優秀論文獎

2010                          成大醫學院基礎醫學研究獎

2012                          成杏基金會優秀論文獎

2015                          成大醫院研究論文獎

2015                          國家衛生研究院研究計畫獎

2016                          成杏基金會2016年優秀論文獎

2017                          成大醫院2017年研究論文獎

2017                          成杏基金會2017年優秀論文獎

2021                          傅爾布萊特-台塑企業獎助學金

2021                          成杏基金會2021年優秀論文獎

2022                          成杏基金會2022年優秀論文獎


PLoS ONE (2011至今)

International Journal of Diabetes Research (2016年至今)

Frontiers of Cell and Developmental Biology (2016年至今)

著作 (2011~ ; selected)

1.    LH Kuo, PJ Tsai, MJ Jiang, YL Chuang, L Yu, KT Lai, and YS Tsai*. Toll-like receptor 2 deficiency improves insulin sensitivity and hepatic insulin signalling in the mouse. Diabetologia. 54, 168~179, 2011. (IF=6.671, Endocrinology & Metabolism 13/128=10.2%)

2.     HF Jheng, PJ Tsai, SM Guo, LH Kuo, CS Chang, IJ Su, and YS Tsai*. Mitochondrial fission contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Mol Cell Biol. 32, 309-319, 2012. (IF= 3.813, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 85/293=29% )

3.    YP Hung, NY Lee, HC Chang, CJ Wu, CM Chang, PL Chen, HJ Lin, YH Wu, PJ Tsai, SH Lin, YS Tsai*, and WC Ko*. Effects of PPARγ and RBP4 gene variants on metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected patients with anti-retroviral therapy. PLoS ONE 7, e49102, 2012. (IF= 2.766, Multidisciplinary Sciences 15/64=23.4% )

4.     JY Chen, PJ Tsai, HC Tai, RL Tsai, YT Chang, MC Wang, YW Chiou, ML Yeh, MJ Tang, YH Li, WC Tsai, LJ Lin, HL Wu, and YS Tsai*. Increased Aortic Stiffness and Attenuated Lysyl Oxidase Activity in Obesity. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 33, 839-846, 2013. (IF= 6.086, Peripheral Vascular Disease 5/65=7.7% )

5.    CS Chang, PJ Tsai, JM Sung, JY Chen, LC Ho, K Pandya, N Maeda, and YS Tsai*. Diuretics Prevent Thiazolidinedione-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy without Compromising Insulin-sensitizing Effects in Mice. Am J Pathol . 184, 442-453, 2014. ( IF=4.069, Pathology 13/79=16.5% )

6.    Cheong MW, Kuo LH, Cheng YN, Tsai PJ, Ho LC, Tai HC, Chiu WT, Chen SH, Lu PJ, Shan YS, Chuang LM, Tsai YS*. Loss of Egr-1 Sensitizes Pancreatic β-cells to Palmitate-induced ER Stress and Apoptosis. J Mol Med. 93, 807~818, 2015. (IF=4.938, Medicine, Research & Experimental 20/133=15.0% )

7.    HF Jheng, SH Huang, HM Kuo, MW Hughes, and YS Tsai*. Molecular insight and pharmacological approaches targeting mitochondrial dynamics in skeletal muscle during obesity. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1350, 82~94, 2015. (IF=4.277, Multidisciplinary Sciences 10/64=15.6% )

8.   HF Jheng, PJ Tsai, YL Chuang, YT Sheng, TA Tai, WC Chen, CK Chou, LC Ho, MJ Tang, KT Lai, JM Sung*, and YS Tsai*. Albumin Stimulates Renal Tubular Inflammation through a HSP70-TLR4 Axis in Early Diabetic Nephropathy. Dis Model Mech. 8, 1311~1321, 2015. (IF=4.398, Pathology 11/79=13.9% )

9.   LC Ho, JM Sung, YT Shen, HF Jheng, SH Chen, PJ Tsai, and YS Tsai*. Egr-1 deficiency protects from renal inflammation and fibrosis. J Mol Med. 94, 933~942, 2016. (IF=4.599, Genetics & Heredity 48/176=27.2%)

10.   HC Tai, PJ Tsai, JY Chen, CH Lai, KC Wang, SH Teng, SC Lin, A Chang, MJ Jiang, YH Li, HL Wu, N Maeda, and YS Tsai*. PPARγ level contributes to structural integrity and component production of elastic fibers in the aorta. Hypertension. 67, 1298-1308, 2016. (IF=10.190, Peripheral Vascular Disease 3/65=4.6%)

11.   YH Liu, YS Tsai*,SC Lin, NS Liao, MS Jan, CT Liang, SW Hsu, N Maeda, and PJ Tsai*. Quantitative PPARγ expression affects the balance between tolerance and immunity. Sci Rep. 6, 26646, 2016. (IF=4.380, Multidisciplinary Sciences 17/72=23.6%)

12.   CS Chang, YJ Lu, HH Chang, SH Hsu, PH Kuo, CC Shieh, WJ Yao, MC Hsu, KC Young, WY Lin, KC Huang, CH Wu*, YS Tsai*. Role of Adiponectin Gene Variants, Adipokines and Hydrometry-based Percent Body Fat in Metabolically Healthy and Abnormal Obesity. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Jan - Feb;12(1S1):49-61 (IF=2.288, Nutrition & Dietetics 71/106=66.9%)

13.   SY Leu, LH Kuo, WT Weng, IC Lien, CC Yang, TT Hsieh, YN Cheng, PH Chien, LC Ho, SH Chen, YS Shan, YW Chen, PC Chen, PJ Tsai, JM Sung, and YS Tsai*. Loss of EGR-1 uncouples the compensatory responses of pancreatic beta-cells. Theranostics. 10(9): 4233~4249, 2020. (IF=11.556, Medicine, Research & Experimental 9/140=6.4%)

14.  CC Yang, DC Lin, YN Chang, CH Wu, CS Chang, KT Lee, PJ Tsai, and YS Tsai*. Inhibitory effect of PPARγ on NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Theranostics. 2021; 11(5): 2424-2441. (IF=11.556, Medicine, Research & Experimental 9/140=6.4%)

15. JY Chen, YP Wu, CY Li, HF Jheng, LZ Kao, IC Lien, WT Weng, HC Tai, YW Chiou, MJ Tang, PJ Tsai, YS Tsai*. PPARγ activation improves the microenvironment of perivascular adipose tissue and attenuates aortic stiffening in obesity. J Biomed Sci. 2021 Mar 29;28(1):22. (IF=8.410, Medicine, Research & Experimental 15/140=10.7%)

16. A Huang, YS Lin, LZ Kao, YW Chiou, HH Lin, CH Wu, CS Chang, KT Lee, YY Hsueh, PJ Tsai, MJ Tang, YS Tsai*. Inflammation-induced macrophage LOX exacerbates adipose tissue stiffening and metabolic dysfunction in obesity. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2021 Sep;11(9):e543. (IF=11.492, Medicine, Research & Experimental 10/140=7.1%)

17. CC Hsu#, YS Tsai#, HK Lin. UHRF1: a novel metabolic guardian restricting AMPK activity. Cell Research. 2022 Jan;32(1):3-4. (# equal contribution) (IF=25.617, Cell Biology 8/195=4.1%)

18. YS Chang, SY Hou, SS Yu, SY Tsai, YY Chen, LJ Hsu, PJ Tsai, HK Lin, CH Lin*, and YS Tsai*. Postnatal dexamethasone therapy impairs brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and autophagy flux in neonatal rat pups. Theranostics. 2022 Jul 25;12(13):5803-5819. (IF=11.556, Medicine, Research & Experimental 9/140=6.4%)

19. Tsai PJ#, Lai YH#, Manne RK#, Tsai YS#, Sarbassov D, Lin HK. Akt: a key transducer in cancer. J Biomed Sci. 2022 Oct 1;29(1):76. (# equal contribution) (IF=12.771, Medicine, Research & Experimental 11/139=7.9%)

20. Lai YH, Wu TC, Tsai BY, Hung YP, Lin HJ, Tsai YS*, Ko WC*, Tsai PJ*. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ as the gatekeeper of tight junction in Clostridioides difficile infection. Front Microbiol. 2022 Nov 11;13:986457. (IF=6.064, Microbiology 34/137=24.8%) 

21. Chang CS, Yu SS, Ho LC, Chao SH, Chou TY, Shao AN, Kao LZ, Chang CY, Chen YH, Wu MS, Tsai PJ, Maeda N, Tsai YS*. Inguinal Fat Compensates Whole Body Metabolic Functionality in Partially Lipodystrophic Mice with Reduced PPARγ Expression. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 15;24(4):3904. (IF=6.208, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 50/179=27.9%)

22. Leu SY, Tsang YL, Ho LC, Yang CC, Shao AN, Chang CY, Lin HK, Tsai PJ, Sung JM, Tsai YS*. NLRP3 inflammasome activation, metabolic danger signals, and protein binding partners. J Endocrinol. 2023 Feb 1:JOE-22-0184. (IF=4.669, Endocrinology & Metabolism 57/146=39%) 

(* corresponding author)

受邀演講 (2017 至今)

1. Vascular aging: what affects aortic elasticity and structural integrity? International Conference on Functional Food for Metabolic Homeostasis in Aging. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. Mar. 2017.

2. Adipose tissue stiffness in the development of metabolic diseases. 3rd International Symposium on Mechanobiology. National University of Singapore, Singapore. Dec. 2017.

3. From vascular stiffening to adipose stiffening in obesity. Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes. National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan. Aug. 2018.

4. Mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolism shift in renal fibrosis. The 16th Conference of the Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine. Busan, Korea. Nov. 2018.

5. What happens if adipocyte sleep on a film mattress? International Conference on Mechanobiology for Regeneration. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Oct. 2018.

6. Adipose tissue stiffness in the development of metabolic diseases. 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress (FAOPS2019). Kobe, Japan. Mar. 2019.

7. The involvement of mitochondrial dynamics in development of muscle insulin resistance. The 17th Conference of the Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine. Fukuoka, Japan. Oct. 2019.